Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Maternal Health Care

Identify 3 current trends (Philippine setting) in Maternal Health care that affect the pregnant woman. Explain how these will affect the Maternal care to women.
·         Maternal Malnutrition
The nutrition of women before conception, during pregnancy and lactation has profound effects on reproductive outcome and infant development. Thus, nutrition before conception is not only related to fertility but in fact can affect early embryogenesis and determine life long health. Nutrition during pregnancy clearly affects fetal growth and infant development. The physiological stress of added nutrient demands makes pregnancy and lactation high risk periods in the life of a woman. The womans tissues become depleted of essential nutrients as she enters the vicious cycle of too many closedly spaced pregnancies and prolonged breastfeeding. They become vulnerable to disease and infections which ultimately take their life. The cause of maternal malnutrition is of course, less food and not enough food of the right kind. A woman who is well fed and healthy can complete pregnancy successfully giving birth to a healthy normal child. In poorly nourished women 30-40% of their children have low birth weights ( less than 2.5kg ). The possibility of nutritional status may be significant in the higher incidence of toxemia of pregnancy according to research. Iron deficiency anemia is the most alarming of the micronutrient deficiences affecting a pregnant women. Severe anaemia leads to premature births, also anaemic women will not be able to do normal physical work.
·         Poor delivery of health services
Maternal mortality remains high in the philippines,  for such reasons as inqualities in wealth, residence, and gender. Access to prenatal and ante natal health clinics are poor and sometimes very far to the rural area that is why women seeks the help of a village healer or arbulario(hilot). Mothers who receive late or no prenatal care are more likely to have birth defects, low birth weight and prematurity. Prematurity is responsible for half of all congenital neurological disability in children. LBW are at increased risk for chronic pulmonary disease, visual and hearing impairment, neurodevelopmental handicaps, learning difficulties resulting in school failures, abuse and neglect and recurring illness. The advantages of Prenatal care provides a wonderful opportunity to promote healthy behaviors, counseling, and education to help pregnant women stop or reduce risky behaviors. In addition, It also prepares parents for parenting.
·         Obstructed labor
Obstructed labor is among the leading causes of maternal deaths in the Philippines. Neglected obstructed failure is a major cause of both maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality. The obstruction can only be alleviated by means of an operative delivery, either caesarian section or other instrumental delivery (forceps, vacuum extraction). Maternal complications include include intrauterine infectionsfollowing prolonged rupture of membranes, trauma to the bladder and /or rectum due to pressure from the fetal head or damage during delivery and ruptured uterus with consequent hemorrhage, shock or even death. Trauma to the bladder during vaginal or instrumental delivery may lead to stress incontinence. And the most severe condition is obstetric fistula, a hole which forms in the vaginal wall communicating into the bladder or the rectum or both.

Describe the nursing implications of current trends in Womens health care.
The currents trends in Maternal health care offers oppurtunities for nurses to alter nursing practice and improve the way care is being deliverd through managed care, integrated delivery sytem and redefined roles. Nurses have been critically important in developing strategies to improve the well being of woman and their infants and have led the efforts to implement clinical practice guidelines and to practice using an evidence based approach. Through professional association nurses can have a voice in setting standards and in influencing health policy by actively participating in the education of the public. Changes in the health care are infuencing the way healthcare providers can care for their patients.
Discuss your role as a Maternal child nurse in throughout the life cycle continuum.
Lifecycle of women from cradle to grave , in other words, different stages of life, such as childhood, adolescent, adulthood and reproductive life including old age may have indication of the human rights situation around them and their ability to have access to the basic needs and services. As a Maternal Child Nurse I believed that all women should have access to reproductive health choices and care during pregnancy and childbirth, and all babies should be able to grow into children who survive and thrive. It is vital that we pay attention to the reproductive health continuum within the life cycle approach: birth, breastfeeding and birth spacing. There are lots of program and services that the goverment implement and my role first of all is to educate women and families to be aware of good health through teaching. for example, teaching men and women the importnace of safer sex practices. An age appropiate reproductive health education that promotes correct sexual values. My role is to help ensure patients have a seamless continuum of care and provide support and knowledge during their journey.
I am a pro life and believe in the protection of all life and the quality of life. My belief concerning ethical decision making is whatever is good for others and not harm to self or good for self and no harm to others.
Identify the Goals ans Philosophy of MCN and its significance.
·         Pre conceptual healthcare
·         Care of women during three trimesters of pregnancy and the puerperium (the 6 weeks after childbirth, sometimes termed the fourth trimester of pregnancy)
·         Care of children from birth through adolescence
·         Care in settings as varied as the birthing room, the pediatric intensive care unit, and the home.

·         Maternal and child health nursing is family centered; assessment data must include a family and individual assessment.
·         Maternal and child health nursing is community centerd; the health of families depends onand influences the health of communities
·         Maternal and child health nursing is research oriented, because research is the means whereby critical knowledge increases.
·         Both nursing theory and evidenced based parctice provide a foundation for nursing care.
·         A maternal and child health nurse serves as an advocate to protect the rights of all family members, including the fetus.
·         Maternal and child health care includes a high degree of independent nursing functions, because teaching and counselling are so frequently required.
·         Promoting health is an important nursing role, because this protects the health of the next generation.
·         Pregnancy and childhood illness can be stressful and can alter family life in both subtle and extensive ways.
·         Personal, cultural, and religious attitudes and beliefs influence the meaning of illness and its impact on the family . circumstance such as illness or pregnancy are meaningful only in a context of a total life.
·         Maternal and child health nursing is a challenging role for a nurse and its major factor in promoting high level wellness in families.
Maternity nursing focuses on the care of child bearing women and their families through all stages of pregnancy and childbirth as well as the first 4 weeks after birth. Througout the prenatal period nurses teach classes to help families prepare for childbirth. Maternity nurses teach about pregnancy, the process of labor, birth and recovery and parenting skills. They provide continuity of care throughout the childbearing cycle.

Mrs. Berna a 32 year old client, G1P0, is pregnant but has not gone for pre natal check up. She tells the nurse that before the pre natal consultation, she wants to visit a “Hilot” who will predict the sex and guarantee safe birth.
Would recommending that she must undergo a sonogram be likely as satisfying for her?
Sonogram (Ultrasound) the diagnostic or therapeutic use of ultrasound and especially a non invasive technique involving the formation of a two dimensional image used for the examination and measurement of internal body structures and the detection of bodily abnormalities (Webster).
Yes I would recommend Mrs. Berna to undergo Sonogram. With the case of Mrs. Berna being a primigravid, not taken any prenatal care  and 32 years old. As a nurse, its is important for Mrs Berna to ascertain whether she understand why the ultrasound is being suggested. We should act provide an opportunity for them to ask questions and act as an advocate. We can reassure her that early ultrasound  will not harm her baby in either the short or long term. Cultural attitudes of Mrs. Berna lead her to believe that care isnt needed. She should be assisted and educated in a manner that she will understand. Ultrasound testing can benifit Mrs Berna in the following way but I dont recommend ultrasound simply to find out the sex of the baby.
  • Early identification of pregnancy. Pregnancy may be detected as early as the 5th or 6th week after the last menstrual period.
  • Observation of fetal heart beat and fetal breathing movement. FBM have been observed as early as week 11 gestation.
  • Identification of more than one embryo or fetus
  • Measurement of the biparietal diameter of the fetal head or the fetal femur length
  • Clinical estimations of birth wieght. This assessment helps to identify macrosomia.
  • Detection of fetal anomalies such as hydroceplalus and anencephaly
  • Location of placenta and placental grading
  • Identification of amniotic fluid
  • Detection of fetal death
  • Examination of fetal cardiac structures
  • Examination of nuchal translucency in the 1rst sem to assess Doen syndrome

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of Prenatal care
Having a baby without having had a prenatal care is a risky venture. Those woman who do not receive prenatal care are three times more likely to give birth to a low weight baby and their baby is five times more likely to die. Pregnancy and childbirth are natural process and most of the time they go well. But its still best to be prepared in case something goes wrong. Proper care before and during pregnancy can help reduce health risk to mother and baby. it can also help provide emotional support to mother (and famil) and develop a relationship with a physician. Prenatal care also can detect many problems with the baby that will require immidiate care at birth, such as heart defect. With these a proper referral can be given to medical facility by a maternal nurse or a physician at an earlier time. Another advantage of prenatal care is getting answers to your questions and developing a relationshipwith your doctor and other health care worker. This support makes for a more enjoyable pregnancy and when its time for the birth, pregnant women feels confident knowing they are in the care of someone they know and trust.
Prenatal care involves a series of doctor’s visits throughout the pregnancy to check the health of the women and her fetus to make sure the pregnancy is progressing normally. So the total cost is high if a woman does’nt have maternal insurance. Community health centers provide free or low cost health care. But due to some complicated procedure and time consuming process, women are ambivalent to used it. In addition the quality of prenatal care services are compromised due to the quantity of women seeking prenatal care. The result is differences between the prenatal care and the pregnancy outcome.
Mr. And Mrs. Blanco from the province want to have a better life in Metro Manila. They are brought with them their 4 year and 2 year old children. Mr. Blanco is a messenger of the Realty property while Mrs. Blanco is a housewife and takes care of children. They are renting a 2 bedroom place approximately 15 square meter. Mr. Blanco receives P 10,000.00 per month. After 6 months. Mrs. Blanco is pregnant and looks for a health center where she can seek consultation.
·         Formulate a nursing care plan for Mr. and Mrs. Blanco. Identify 3 nursing Diagnosis. Please follow format: Assessment / Cues Nursing Diagnosis Goal Nursing Interventions Evaluation
Check height and weight as well as her weight gain during pregnancy
Take pertinent laboratory values espaecially hemoglobin and hematocrit
Watch for clinical signs that have possible nutritional implications such as constipation, anorexia and heartburn
Obtain a dietary History to eavaluate the Mrs Blanco’s views on nutrition as well as her specific nutrient intake
Watch for symptoms associated with anemia such as weakness, fatigue, pallor and general malaise, dizziness, headache and loss of apetite
Nursing Diagnosis:
Imbalanced Nutrition less than body requirement related to intake insufficient to meet metabolic demands and replace losses as evidenced by closedly spaced pregnancies and low socio economic status
To maintain appropiate weight gain according to her weeks of gestation.
Nursing Intervention:
1.       Assess Mrs. Blanco’s nutritional status, condition of hair and nails, and height and pregravid weight.
2.       Monitor laboratory values that indicate nutritional status: albumin, transferrin, RBC and WBC counts, electrolytes
3.       Provide information about normal weight gain in pregnancy, modifying it to meet Mrs. Blanco’s needs.
4.       Instruct the patient to have frequent rest periods.
5.       Provide her with high protein, high calorie, iron in the diet (organ meat, egg yolk) and consult with nutritionist to calculate energy demand by using indirect calometry.
6.       Administer oral iron and folic supplements.
7.       Provide oral and written information about action and uses of protein and its role in development of PIH.
8.       Determine food preferences with cosideration of cultural and religious preferences.
Display appropiate weight gain.
Verbalize understanding of individual dietary needs .
Demonstrate knowledge of proper diet as evidenced by developing a dietary plan with own financial resources.

Changing Faces of Nursing

Changing Faces of Nursing
Not too long ago, the public’s perception of a nurse was someone who cared for you when you were hospitalized, offered comfort at a time when you most needed it and carried out requests that doctors had made.  Doctors were responsible for making clinical decisions, and a nurse was the one who carried out the doctors' requests. Patients were washed, dressed and beds made by a set time each day. Now things have changed! Nurse training has evolved, and nurses are taking on extended roles including further study to become Nurse Practitioners or advanced courses in particular specialties Nurses are at the frontline with patients and their families 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They are responsible for a specific group of patients and plan their care, detect changes in their conditions and then act on these changes to ensure the appropriate intervention is actioned. 
You can walk into a ward or clinic today and see many health professionals taking blood work, administering medication, carrying out physical examinations, presenting on ward rounds, breaking bad news to a patient or their family, carrying out procedures involving cannulation, central venous catheters, chest drains and administering emergency medication.  These interventions could equally be carried out by a Doctor or a Nurse.
Every year the number of Filipino nurses increase but the employment of the Filipino nurses here in the Philippines is few. Hospitals are full and nurses don’t know where to go. So nurses are force to apply as volunteers and some go abroad. Let’s admit it, finding a nursing job in the Philippines is more of a rat race now than ever before. With thousands of nurses having the same predicament, chances are, you will face one frustration after another. The government only provides opportunities to a select few, exacerbated by our culture of favoritism and “backer system”. Amidst all these, a Filipino nurse faces two options: stay waiting to work as the traditional hospital nurse or expand ones horizon and grab other nursing related opportunities. Sadly, the first option is not at all practical nowadays because not all nurses specially the neophytes, can afford to work without pay or survive having a plantilla position with measly income. Remember, we all have our own mouths and families to feed and support financially.
I’m glad that the Philippine government is implementing some ways of giving a solution on the increasing rate of unemployment in Nursing. I have heard about the NARS program to give nurses a chance to have their experiences for 6 months. The increasing emphasis on shifting care from hospital settings back into the community will require community nurses to develop new skills and knowledge to care for more acutely ill patients in the home settings and to prevent inappropriate hospital admission. Also the government project called Project Enterprenurse. The project would allow qualified nurses to practice nursing independently. Thru this, the nurses would be able to practice their nursing skills and at the same time apply their entrepreneurial capabilities. It would present livelihood opportunities to nurses other than working abroad.
15 years ago I was 20 years old and beaming from ear to ear as I made a slow walk up to the stage. When the teacher handed me my diploma in Nursing and shook my hand. I thought I have reached the top of the world. My experience as a new graduate at that time was same as those nurses today, the policy… you got to be a volunteer. But the good thing they don’t ask us to pay for them.
I started my nursing career in one private hospital in San Juan. I worked there for about a year but like any other nurses who wanted to look for greener pasture I feel I wanted something different. So I called every agency and found a recruitment agency that taken care of me. I have spent two years in Riyadh and I am not taking the job for granted, I worked hard to succeed and learn every day. I never renewed my contract there because I was planning to stay in the Philippines. At that time nursing career was booming, recruitment in US and UK are open for Filipino Nurses, some of my friends also grab the opportunity they applied even without intensive nursing experience. However, I prefer to go back again in Middle East this time it is in the country of Kuwait. My job here was not in the hospital setting but in a dental center owned by a Doctor who studied and gained experienced in the US. Here I was assigned as an assistant to him on periodontal and maxillo facial surgeries. The procedures and the type of work I have experienced in this area really amazed me. The new technologies and techniques make my old fashioned thinking of dental procedures a thing of the past. But then again my aspiration of looking for my passion in nursing asked me to quit on this job. My third job was in a government tertiary hospital in Taif KSA. I was so excited to be chosen as an NICU staff nurse I feel that my heart was set on this position. I don’t know much about the job except for the pediatric OPD cases I have previously. Anyway I started this career in a ladder, starting from mild cases of babies who started to feed and gaining weight. I tried my very best to be certified in this position, I ask my head nurse to give me babies to work with especially the preemies. With this I become comfortable in assessing the infant and interacting with parents. I attended local conferences related to neonatal nursing and OB well baby as well. I keep myself updated with basic life support and PALS. Then comes my 4rth job and my travel experiences. Equipped with the experience in the hospital and specialty in nursing I went to Dubai to be with my family (working alone in a different country makes a person really sick) I applied and accepted in a Private Hospital whose at that time was on the way for a certification of JCIA. I stayed here for six years and enjoying my job, I have handled different and complicated cases. With the experience I gained I become a leader in the unit helping other staff, communicating with doctors and parents.
Now I am back in the Philippines with a different professional passion. I wanted to make a difference out of my career in nursing to excel in my skill and knowledge. I believe that being and having a Masters Degree in Nursing makes me more marketable, more freedom and more responsibilities. Nursing is an ever changing and challenging field and I need to be prepared for anything and everything.